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The 21st Century Renaissance Man: The Art-preneur

The 21st Century Renaissance Man: The Art-preneur

This blog will tell you more about the Art-preneur: a hybrid of artist and entrepreneur, as well as the skills you need in order to make sure you succeed and the similarities between the Renaissance (wo)man and the Art-preneur).
7 Ways of How Art Can Stimulate Work Place

7 Ways of How Art Can Stimulate Work Place

Art helps create a more stimulating work environment, and it is not only beneficial for improving the productivity of employees but also can create a connection between employees and the company. 

How to buy Art

How to buy Art

Whether you are drawn to the financial gains to be made via collecting art or love art for the stories it tells, we know buying art can be an intimidating process. That's why, in this guide, we'll be walking you through the fundamentals of collecting art.

How does different lighting affect your art collection? 

How does different lighting affect your art collection? 

Lighting is a key factor when it comes to displaying your art collection. It can determine the longevity of your artwork. Different artworks also require different types of light. 

10 reasons why art is good for your mind and brain

10 reasons why art is good for your mind and brain

The positive effects of art have been largely linked to mental health benefits by the scientific community. Over time it has been proven that art can heal as well as revive a person's. We have made a shortlist to tell you how art positively benefits.

5 Surprising Facts about Central and Eastern European Art

5 Surprising Facts about Central and Eastern European Art

Why Central and Eastern European Art? We share with you some facts that are specific to Central and Eastern European art. More importantly, it tells you where to start looking. 

Why you are Creative even if you think you are not

Why you are Creative even if you think you are not

First of all, let us thank Red Bull Slovakia for collaborating with us! Art has an image problem. Despite being seen in everyday life and celebrated by the world, art is often seen as pretentious, impractical, and generally unapproachable - for both its creators and advocates. 

Benefits of Working From Home You Didn't Know You Needed

Benefits of Working From Home You Didn't Know You Needed

The home office market is expanding nowadays which means that more people prefer to work remotely rather than in the office buildings. While some believe that having a home office leads to counter-productivity, the research that has been done claims that there are many benefits that come with creating your own working space. 

Women in the Art Industry

Women in the Art Industry

On Women's Day 2020, learn more about the shocking statistics about women in the art industry. Let's fight for a more equal art world together!

The Effectiveness of Art Therapy

The Effectiveness of Art Therapy

Art is healing. Art therapy helps to cope with anxieties, illnesses, mental well-being, and much more. It has many forms: painting, drawing, dancing, listening to music, and others. Such self-expression helps us to learn about ourselves, understand our emotions, and communicate with people.