Karolina Hebda

Browse Art Gallery at Victory Art


I was born in Nowy Sącz (Poland) in 1997. I have a master's degree in Contemporary Art at the Pedagogical University in Kraków. Now I study Artistic Education in the field of Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków.


When I paint, I diligently pay attention to detail, as it gives me great satisfaction. I am faced with new challenges and ideas every day. Somedays it is nature that inspires me, and sometimes it’s my emotions which become the motif of my work. Art has been an important part of me and my my family for years. It is a way to express myself. 




Artwork from top artists from Eastern Europe, fine art, modern art, art shop, AR

Artwork from top artists from Eastern Europe, fine art, modern art, art shop, AR

Artwork from top artists from Eastern Europe, fine art, modern art, art shop, AR
Artwork from top artists from Eastern Europe, fine art, modern art, art shop, AR
Artwork from top artists from Eastern Europe, fine art, modern art, art shop, AR







When I’m creating art, it feels as if my painting and graphics are creating magic on my canvas or paper. Looking at different colors inspires me to create my work. I have the biggest admiration for the artists who are not afraid of defying the canon, and I am striving to do the same. 


I believe that an artwork has the greatest value when one's emotions are attached to it. I have taken part in lots of exhibitions in Poland, and I realize how different my art is when I see other displays. Creating not only relaxes me but allows me to cross borders between other people and their emotions. Each image is a reflection of my own struggle, and I hope people find comfort in my work as well. 




Top artist from Eastern Europe, contemporary artist  Top artist from Eastern Europe, contemporary artist  Top artist from Eastern Europe, contemporary artist



Curator of the exhibition at the Museum of the City of Kraków (Nowa Huta branch): Ence Pence – w czyje ręce? CRACOW ART WEEK KRAKERS 2021: (NO) HOPE / 10 EDITION


Group exhibitions:

Narodowa Galeria Niepodległości Polski to im zawdzięczamy Niepodległość (Brama Bielańska Gallery in Warsaw 2021)

Dzika natura (Tourist Information Center in Nowy Sącz 2021)

Koleżanki i kolega (Olympia Gallery in Krakow 2020)

Linia (Tourist Information Center in Nowy Sącz 2019)

Dyplomy 2019 (E/A Gallery in Nowy Sącz)

Wybór (Tourist Information Center in Nowy Sącz 2019)

Wystawa prac studentów Edukacji Artystycznej PWSZ w Nowym Sączu (Public Library in Muszyna 2019)

2HB (Tourist Information Center in Nowy Sącz 2018)

XXII Koncert w Wirydarzu z cyklu Sądeckie Talenty (Nowy Sącz 2018)

SKANSENOWSKIE IMPRESJE w Miasteczku Galicyjskim w Nowym Sączu (2018-2019) 

Impresje skansenowskie IX w Miasteczku Galicyjskim w Nowym Sączu (2017-2018) 

Fotomotywa (E/A Gallery in Nowy Sącz 2017)

Wystawa prac studentów Edukacji Artystycznej w Starostwie Powiatowym w Nowym Sączu (2017)

Wystawa prac studentów Edukacji Artystycznej PWSZ w Nowym Sączu (Public Library in Muszyna 2017)

Wystawa prac wykładowców i studentów Edukacji Artystycznej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nowym Sączu z cyklu „Sztuka Młodych” (Art Gallery „Siedlisko” in Krynica – Zdrój 2017)


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