Viktória Pikovská

Top artist from Eastern Europe, contemporary artist

My name is Viktória. I am the founder of Victory Art and an artist as well. Since I was a child I used to love photography and admire, how authentically it can capture any moment.
The collection presented at Victory Art is from the period when I was fascinated by glass, its possibilities, shapes, fragility, and power to hurt so badly at the same moment. Because I believe, that the form of presenting the art piece is as important as the art pieces themselves, the art pieces are printed on an aluminum plate using my favorite formats (square and circle).




Slovak art piece, interior design, contemporary artists

Slovak art piece, interior design, contemporary artists

Slovak art piece, interior design, contemporary artists
Slovak art piece, interior design, contemporary artists





My name is Viktória. I am the founder of Victory Art and an artist as well. Since I was a child I used to love photography and admire, how authentically it can capture any moment. I was 6 years old when I got my first film camera. I immediately went out to the streets and took photos of people there. Without any deeper knowledge or purpose, I started depicting emotions, struggles, and the everyday life of people. Through the years, I changed a few times the main topic of my work, but my focus on emotions was always the key element of my work.

The collection presented at Victory Art is from the period when I was fascinated by glass, its possibilities, shapes, fragility, and power to hurt so badly at the same moment. Because I believe, that the form of presenting the art piece is as important as the art pieces themselves, the art pieces are printed on an aluminum plate using my favorite formats (square and circle).


2007 - in district round in competition ZUČ ZŠ in Kežmarok in Slovakia in category photography

2009 - exposure photos on the exhibition „Okom fotografa“

2009 - Gold medal in Slovak competition AMFO in black and white photography, category C and exposure photos there

2009 - exposure photos on the collective exhibition of Club of amateur photographers in Spišská Nová Ves

2009 - exposure photos on exhibition „Jeseň s fotoaparátom“

2009 - honorable mention in area round in Slovak competition „AMFO“ in black and white photography, category C and exposure photos there

2009 - in district round in Slovak competition „AMFO“ in black and white photography, category C and exposure photos there

2010 - participation in creating the collection for worldwide competition „Fiap“ in Vietnam and exposure photos there

2010 - exposure photos on exhibition „Krása chrámov a kostolov Gotickej cesty

2012 - exposure photos on exhibition „Divoké impresie na Železnej ceste

2012 - participation in creating the collection for worldwide competition „Fiap Youth“ in Spain and exposure photos there

2013 - Authorial exhibition with a headline „Let me introduce myself“

2013 - participation in creating the collection for worldwide the exhibition „Fiap Youth“ in Austria and exposure photos there

2014 - participation in charity exhibition joined with the auction of photos in Prague

2015 - participation in creating the collection for worldwide the exhibition „Fiap Youth“ in Serbia and exposure photos there

2015 - participation in a collective exhibition in Poland

2015 - 2016 attending lessons at Famu – (Film and TV School of Academy of Performing arts in Prague) and Všup (Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague) in Prague

2017 publication of my first photography book “This is Prague” with a special dedication from Karel Cudlín


Other experiences with the product, portrait, event, street, documentary, analog, middle format, and large format photography.


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