Victory Art Vanish Art exhibition

Victory Art Vanish Art exhibition



The goal behind Visegrad online Art exhibition


The alliances between Visegrád Group’s countries, which consists of Hungary, Czech, Poland and Slovakia, can be traced back to medieval times. This union helped strengthen the position and influence of those countries in respect to the rest of europe and the world. This coalition lasted centuries until the formation of the soviet union after World War 2. The soviet union heavily impacted the cultural, economical and social - political state of the countries, depriving them of their independence.The fall of the soviet union was a chance for these countries to regain there independence.


Today, years after communism ended, the Eastern European countries, including Visegrád Group, still deal with the repercussions of the past. Until this day, they are still hindered by mainstream media, as they live in the shadow of more developed and privileged states. That’s why the upcoming online exhibition is a perfect opportunity to showcase and promote art and its creators. This will hopefully bring in more spectators from western Europe, bringing up more opportunities for eastern European artists. This exhibition aims to bring painters from Visegrád countries closer to art enthusiasts. The variety of movements and styles at the event will ensure that everyone will be able to find a piece suitable for them.




Get to know the artists behind Visegrad's online Art exhibition?





How to view the artwork from the art exhibition in AR


Follow the steps below to view the artwork from the online exhibition in AR on your device.


  • Step 1: Download the Art.Augmented app on your device. You can download the app from here
  • Step 2: Search V4U in the search bar and click on the VictoryArt exhibition
    • Step 3: From here you can browse through all the artwork being displayed in the online art exhibition. You can click on a peice of artwotk that interests you and view it in AR. 


Visegrad Fund

Visegrad Fund


The project named Art education in the post-coronavirus digitized art world comprises of 12 seminars, one-on-one consultations, and a final online art exhibition. These activities are aimed at artists to help them navigate the art industry, manage their careers successfully and increase their audience in the various countries and is created in collaboration with GJW Gallery, The Chemistry Production and Ari S Kupsus Gallery, all located in V4 countries. Through this project, we are able to provide artists with adequate training, which they would not normally have access to if unpaid, and to create greater awareness for Eastern European art, which also includes the V4 countries, increasing their presence in the art market and supporting their economic development. The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


GJW Gramza i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Spółka Partnerska

The Chemistry Production, s.r.o.

Ari S Kupsus